What is Volunteering: A Message from INPRO Volunteers
What is volunteering? It’s a reason for many people to leave their native lands and embrace the unknown with open arms. In our quest for an answer to that question, we engaged with some of this year’s long-term volunteers at INPRO to hear their thoughts.
All the volunteers who participated in the interview that inspired this post are currently involved in an ESC volunteering opportunity. They each came for different reasons but are all essentially doing the same volunteer work.
Even though it may seem contradictory, we live in a globalised world, where everything, and therefore everyone, is interconnected. To understand the world we live in, we need to be open to experiencing it, stepping out of the bubbles we create for ourselves, and truly engage with others and the unknown. That’s the first step in volunteering—leaving behind what you know and being open to seeing the world differently.

When asked about what volunteering meant to them, the word that stood out was ‘community.’ It was a consensus that the foundation of volunteering lies in engaging with the community. Whether it’s providing assistance or making improvements, whether it’s helping young people or the elderly, this action is not one-sided. While the volunteer is there to help, assist, and enhance, it’s impossible to leave empty-handed, as the community also gives back.
Beyond mentioning soft skills, there are numerous areas for improvement, from public speaking to managing large groups of people, and many others. But it goes beyond that. At its core, volunteering is about meeting fascinating people, making friends, learning about the world and different perspectives, and understanding how other people laugh, love, and live.
Volunteering is a life-changing experience, so don’t fill your mind with ‘what ifs’ that you can’t control. Instead, focus on what you can control. Find a worthwhile project that genuinely interests you, whether it involves schools, young people, the environment, or any other passion. When there’s true passion behind your work as a volunteer, the work becomes more rewarding, not only for yourself but also for the community. When you decide to step out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to experience the beauty of the world and its people, you’ll discover that anywhere can become your comfort zone.
The ESC project is financed by the European Union. If you want to learn more about INPRO’s programs, follow our social media channels or check our website constantly: https://www.goinpro.org/.